Top Equestrian Summer Camps and Summer Equestrian Programs for Kids & Teens in Canada

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Redberry Bible Camp

Visit Our Redberry Bible Camp Website
306-477-4410 (camp office)
Redberry No. 435
Saskatchewan Canada

PO Box 25128 River Heights
Saskatoon, Sk S7K 8B7
306 477 4410 (saskatoon office)

Watch Our Redberry Bible Camp Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Family Camp, Leadership Training Program

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian. Mennonite Brethren

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Since 1943 Redberry Bible Camp has opened its doors to children and adults alike. No matter if you are a child or just a child at heart there is always a place for you: from kids camp, to leadership training programs, and family camps. We look forward to seeing you here at camp!

Equestrian Program, Soccer, Swimming, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Dance, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Theater, Team Sports, Basketball, Volleyball, Science, and more. Riding Camp - A Camp Specifically Geared Towards Girls Interested In Learning How To Ride Horses, Or To Earn Advanced Instruction In Horsemanship.

Outback Camp - A Camp Specifically Geared Towards Boys Interested In Leaning How To Live In The Wilderness & Experience Nature.

TOP CANADA EQUESTRIAN CAMP: Redberry Bible Camp is a Top Equestrian Summer Camp located in  Canada offering many fun and enriching Equestrian and other camp programs. Redberry Bible Camp also offers CIT/LIT and/or Teen Leadership Opportunities, too.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located 60 min North of Saskatoon, on Redberry Lake. Our facility includes over 250 Acres or field, trees, Riding Trails, & LakeShore.

CAMP FACILITIES: For accommodations we have 16 Cabins 12 of which are winterized, separate riding camp location & accommodations, 8 cabins dedicated for staff housing or rental groups, and 1 retreat cabin with all amenities. RV hook-ups are also available.

As for activity facilities we have a swimming pool, sports field, volleyball court, indoor gym, outdoor basketball, outdoor skate park, climbing wall, archery range, horse trails & corral, mountain bike trails, craft cabin, separate canoe pond, Redberry lake.

In addition we have a dining hall (accommodates 130), separate kitchen located in the gym, an outdoor amphitheatre/chapel & Large fire-pit with bleacher seating.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Redberry Bible Camp has been operating children, young adult, retreat, & adult programming since 1943. We tailor programming to the age group.

Our programming has a three pronged approach. It is our goal to challenge our camper physically, mentally and spiritually. Therefore our programs have the intent to offer each of our campers situation where they can grow in new ways.

Outside of traditional camp programming we also offer a Leadership training program for High school students. This program engages older you in activities that allow personal growth in addition to giving supervised leadership experience.

Our programming does not stop with youth ages, our family camp programming also gives opportunities for growth to persons of all ages. In addition to simply staffing our programs, we engage our staff in their own programming to ensure that the camp experience is invaluable to our staff as well.

In the off season months we offer programming to rental groups as they need.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: We offer a Foundations Program where you are taught the ins-and-outs of working at camp in any area: cabin leading, kitchen staff, wranglers, maintenance, and more.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We offer camperships that can help fully or partially subsidize campers. Call the office for more information.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Separate Family Camp week Programming

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Full Year Facilities, with separate winter programming and retreats. We also have the camp open to rental groups in all seasons other than July & August.

For up to date pricing please refer to our camp website.
• Summer programs visit: Our Camp Website Link:
• Rental Groups visit: Our Camp Website Link:

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Canada Summer Equestrian Camps Offer Wide Range of Equestrian Programs & Summer Equestrian Activities

Be sure to check each camp listing under INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES OFFERED for the range of Special Interest Activities and Programs provided by each Canada Equestrian Summer Camp or Summer Equestrian Recreation Program.

Many Canada Day and Sleepaway Equestrian Camps offer professional level instruction in a wide-range of Equestrian Activities.

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Updated: May 24, 2018

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