Top Equestrian Summer Camps and Summer Equestrian Programs for Kids & Teens in West Virginia

Best West Virginia Equestrian Camps Summer 2025 Directory

Find the Best Equestrian Camps in West Virginia!

Over 6 West Virginia Equestrian Summer Camps Listed Below with In-Depth Camp Info, including: Videos, Photos, Maps & Detailed Descriptions

Best West Virginia Equestrian Camps in 2025
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Winter Equestrian Camps, Programs, Workshops, & Classes in West Virginia are Starting in February, 2025

Many of our West Virginia Equestrian Camps offer Winter Equestrian Programs, Activities, Workshops & Classes starting in February, 2025.

Be sure to check the "Year-Round Programs and Other Camp Info" headings of each camp listing for specifics, or give any Equestrian Camp you're interested in a call to check on Winter dates, times and availability.

Winter 2025 Equestrian Camp Open Houses & Reunions

Many of our Equestrian Camps will be hosting Winter Reunions for their previous campers, and Winter Open Houses for interested new campers and families. Each camp is different, and some offer activities for the entire family.

Contact the camp(s) directly to see if there are any Camp Reunion or Open House Plans for February, 2025.

Best West Virginia Winter Equestrian Day Camps Starting in February, 2025

Looking for a Great West Virginia Equestrian Day Camp? Look at each camp's TYPE OF CAMP description. Many of our Best West Virginia Day Equestrian Camps also list their exact hours, and if they offer before and after camp activities.

Best West Virginia Year-Round
Equestrian Camps, Classes & Equestrian Programs

Many of our Best West Virginia Summer Equestrian Camps also offer Year Round Equestrian Camp Programs, Classes, and Activities. You should contact the camps you are interested in to see if they offer Fall, Winter and/or Spring Equestrian Programs, too.

Best West Virginia Winter Equestrian Camp Jobs

Searching for West Virginia Equestrian Camp Jobs? Many of our Best Equestrian Camps are now listing their 2025 Winter Camp Jobs, too. Look for the heading "Summer Camp Jobs" in each camp listing. You can also check any camp's website for their "Work at Camp" or "Winter Employment Opportunities" pages.

View ALL WV Camps with Winter Work & Leadership Training Opportunities.



Camp Pillsbury
Owatonna, Minnesota

Ages: 6-17 . Coed Campers. Overnight Camp. Day Camp.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Pillsbury is a unique summer camp for boys and girls ages 6 to 17. Strong offerings in Theater, Circus, Music, Dance, Sports, Magic, Technology, and more. More than 100 activities! Campers choose their activities daily, making each day special for each individual camper. Five, 2 WEEK sleepaway sessions begin June 14th to August 23rd. Enroll now at

View this Featured Camp's Full Profile




Falcon Camp
Carrollton, OH

Ages: 6 - 16 . Coed Campers. Overnight Camp.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Widely recognized throughout the midwest as Ohio's premier summer camp since 1959, Falcon Camp offers a beautiful lakefront setting, a talented experienced staff and a wide variety of activities. Falcon provides an atmosphere that encourages young people to grow in spirit, skills, understanding, relationships, and attitudes. Fun for Now, Skills for Life is not just a catchy logo phrase but truly defines what Falcon is about.

View this Featured Camp's Full Profile


 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

Falcon Camp

Camp Pillsbury

Camp Hidden Meadows
Bartow, West Virginia

Visit Our Camp Hidden Meadows Website
17739 Potomac Highland Trail
Bartow, West Virginia 24920

Watch Our Camp Hidden Meadows Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Stunning Location and great staff. Offering: Horseback riding, sailing, arts, white-water rafting, organic gardening, farm animals, yoga, mountain boarding, canoeing, backpacking, climbing wall, mountain biking, hiking, rock climbing, fishing, nature studies, swimming, sports, our 1000 foot zip line and more! ACA accredited.

Equestrian Program, Soccer, Swimming, Sailing, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Dance, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Theater, Basketball, Volleyball, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Located on 250 acres in the Allegheny Mountains of West Virginia. A wonderful location surrounded by national forest.

CAMP FACILITIES: Heated swimming pool, indoor and outdoor climbing wall, organic farm, playing fields, trout stream running through the middle of camp. Elevation of camp is 3000 feet making for warm days (not hot) and cool evenings.

Our location has been described by many as breathtaking. Over the years as we have added to our facility we have been extremely mindful to maintain our tranquil setting. As you follow the trail through the riverside meadows and across the foot bridge you come to our “camp village.” Here you will find our office, infirmary, dining hall, cabins, art center and a host of recreational and training facilities such as our sports fields, basketball court, bike shop, pond, climbing walls, challenge course and more. Savoring a freshly picked carrot from our gardens or taking in the view from the high meadows on a mountain board run are long remembered. It is here where the fundamental joy of being a kid is all the excitement that is needed.

The National Forest and adventures outside of camp:
Several of our activities such as rock climbing, caving and backpacking take place outside of camp. Surrounded by National Forest lands we are fortunate in that our location allows us easy access to some of the more notable recreational areas on the east coast. Tremendous opportunities abound for world-class rock climbing, caving and backpacking.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Accredited by American Camp Association. Camp founded in 1992.

Time spent away from home should be an opportunity to expand one’s horizons, learn new and exciting skills and make long lasting friendships. Under the guidance of caring and qualified leaders campers are involved in activities that require their participation both physically and mentally. Scaling a bold rock face, saddling a horse for the first time or sampling a dish made of food you helped harvest in our gardens requires an open mind and willingness to try new things — Hidden Meadows is about creating a new way of looking at yourself and your relationship to the world.

In a sense we are a retreat for children, a place where life is simple and free from worldly distractions, a place where young people’s needs come first and one learns the importance of balancing personal interest with those of the community.

Our goal is that each camper returns home feeling great about their accomplishments and with a deepened sense of responsibility for oneself, others and the environment.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: CIT programs available to rising Juniors in High School. Junior Leadership program available to rising Seniors in High School.

Offering 1, 2, 3 and 4 week programs throughout the summer.

Discounts available for multiple week enrollment.

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Camp Hidden Meadows

There are 6 Top West Virginia Equestrian Camps Below

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West Virginia Equestrian Camps

Be sure to ask each West Virginia Equestrian Camp about the amount of equestrian instruction and the overall intensity of their equestrian program.

Some Top West Virginia Equestrian Camps offer rigorous daily equestrian training and lots of intensive equestrian experience. Other great West Virginia Camps offer Equestrian Activities as an elective or recreational activity with much less training and intensity.

View ONLY West Virginia Equestrian Day Camps?

Would you like to see a List of Top West Virginia Equestrian Day Camps Only, Organized by City?

We will re-sort this list and show you only Equestrian Day Camps, organized alphabetically by city.

Camp Twin Creeks
Marlinton, West Virginia

Visit Our Camp Twin Creeks Website
1.800.451.8806 (toll free)
914.345.0707 (main telephone)
610.717.0388 (fax)

9235 Huntersville Road
Marlinton, West Virginia 24954

PO Box 39
Armonk, NY 10504

Watch Our Camp Twin Creeks Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: At Twin Creeks our philosophy and beliefs are very simple. We aim to provide children with a fun, safe and happy summer home. Campers will try new activities, learn new skills and make new friends. Each of these components makes Camp such a special place.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: We can be accommodating for some special needs campers and all food allergies.

Equestrian Program, Golf, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Dance, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Theater, Musical Theater, Weightloss, Team Sports, Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball, and more. We Also Provide Lacrosse, Field Hockey, Street Hockey, Roller Hockey, Volleyball, Fishing, Woodshop, & Much More.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located 4 hours southwest of Washington, DC on 140 acres in the Allegheny Mountains, 9 miles east of Marlinton, WV. Just a quick drive from the The Greenbrier and Homestead Resorts as well.

CAMP FACILITIES: We have 24 modern cabins, shower houses, outdoor pool, dining hall, outdoor basketball and tennis courts, woodshop/arts and crafts facility, rope challenge course with climbing wall and zipline and many more elements. We also have a beautiful lake for kayaking, canoeing, swimming and the always fun and exciting water trampoline, all situated next to our baseball and soccer fields. Our barn and paddock house 10 horses for our equestrian program. We also have a gymnasium with indoor basketball courts and dance studio directly across from our roller hockey rink. Camp Twin Creeks has so much to offer in a beautiful setting!

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: We are an ACA accredited summer camp and for over 60 years, camping excellence has abounded at the site of Camp Twin Creeks. The sounds of laughter, cheering and summertime excitement never fail to echo through the Allegheny Mountains. We create a total camp experience every two-weeks and believe in children and their potential, their resilience and their abilities to absorb what camp has to teach about confidence and self-esteem. Our director has a hands-on, arms around your shoulders approach and therefore sets the bar very high for our staff, who are simply incredible!

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: During their 2 weeks at camp CIT’s spend three activity periods assisting in teaching an activity or working with a cabin of campers on Main Village with a cabin counselor. Afternoon activities are spent as a camper attending activities with cabin mates.

During the course of the two weeks CIT’s also help coordinate and run a special event with the other CITs and one of our program coordinators/directors. There are various other responsibilities with the CIT program such as assisting with the dining hall on half-staff days and performing community service in the local Marlinton area.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Financial aid is available based on need.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): We have a family weekend at camp for enrolled families in mid-June.

OTHER CAMP INFO: We encourage you to make an appointment to meet our Director, Iain McClements, each weekend during January, February, March and April. We are more than happy to meet you in the comfort of your own home to answer your questions and tell you a lot more about Camp!

Appointments are typically available Saturday and Sunday.

In addition, members of our summer staff are available at camp fairs in the metro DC area. Please call: (800) 451-8806.

All of our sessions begin on a Sunday and end on a Saturday.

Session 1: June 21 - July 4
Session 2: July 5 - July 18
Session 3: July 19 - August 1
Session 4: August 2 - August 15

You can also visit our website for more complete information.

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Camp Twin Creeks

There are 5 Top West Virginia Equestrian Camps Below

Equestrian Camps in WV
Offer Day & Overnight Options

Some West Virginia Equestrian Camps offer BOTH Day and Overnight Camp options. Be sure to check each camp's description under "TYPE OF CAMP" for complete information, and exact hours.

Some West Virginia Equestrian Day Camps also offer Extended Camp Hours for Early Camper Drop-Off and Pick Up. If you need these services, you should contact the camp to confirm availability.


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Kanawha 4-H Camp
Charleston, West Virginia

Visit Our Kanawha 4-H Camp Website
1200 Camp Virgil Tate Road
Charleston, West Virginia 25311

CAMPER AGES: 9 to 18

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: WVU Extension Service 4-H Program have been hosting residential camps for over 100 years. Find out why these camps have been everlasting. There is one camp for 9 to 13 year olds and then older 4-H camp for 13 years and up.

Equestrian Program, Golf, Swimming, Tennis, Sailing, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Weightloss, Travel, Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Martial Arts, Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball, Wrestling, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are 20 minutes from Charleston, WV

CAMP FACILITIES: Camp Tate has four cabins, dining hall, lodge, pond, outdoor basketball courts and mroe

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Kanawha 4H Camp

There are 4 Top West Virginia Equestrian Camps Below

Camp Tall Timbers
West Virginia Location(s)

Visit Our Camp Tall Timbers Website
1115 Reflection Lane
High View, WV 26808

West Virginia. Just 5 miles from VA

3735 Spicebush Drive
Urbana, MD  21704

Watch Our Camp Tall Timbers Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: At Camp Tall Timbers, we’ve been serving up fun and rewarding camp experiences every summer for almost 50 years. Located in the beautiful foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Our camp offers a wide variety of entertaining, engaging, and inspiring activities for boys and girls from ages 7 to 16. Our camp experience promotes independence, decision-making, socialization, skill building, confidence, creativity, and self-discovery in a safe, nurturing environment. Campers are encouraged to be themselves, try something new, unplug and have fun! We know what parents expect and what kids enjoy.

Equestrian Program, Golf, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Dance, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Theater, Gymnastics, Team Sports, Martial Arts, Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball, and more. Frisbee Golf Course, Paddle Boarding, Tubing Behind Jetski, Private Lake Activities

Camp Tall Timbers is a Top Equestrian Summer Camp located in High View West Virginia offering many fun and educational Equestrian and other activities, including: Golf, Dance, Martial Arts and more. Camp Tall Timbers is a top Equestrian Camp for ages: 7 - 16.

CAMP LOCATION: Camp Tall Timbers is situated on 120 privately owned acres in the Blue Ridge Mountains of 15 miles west of Winchester, VA and serves children aged 7 to 16.

CAMP FACILITIES: New for 2019 - Aerial Adventure Course!!
Lake & pool on site, challenge course, climbing wall, 360 ft zip wire, horseback riding, gymnasium, rec/dance hall, art shack, driving range, putting green, base ball diamond, 3 newly re-turfed full size soccer fields, tennis, hockey, basketball courts, frisbee golf course, riflery & archery range, modern cabins - bathrooms inside. Photos at Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Tall Timbers is proud to be accredited by the American Camp Association, which has 50 years of trust behind it. To earn accreditation, we undergo a thorough review of our operations, from staff qualifications and training, to emergency management. There are more than 300 standards in all! Camp Tall Timbers and the ACA have a partnership that promotes individual growth and fun in an environment committed to safety. In addition, we take extra steps to seek counsel from the American Academy of Pediatrics, The American Red Cross, and others, to ensure quality and safety.

We are rated one of the 50 most amazing summer camps in the U.S. by Early Childhood Education Zone and by Top Education We have also earned top ratings in Bethesda Magazine’s Best Overnight Camps issue.


FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Family Weekend: Our Camp Website Link:

RATES & DATES: Our Camp Website Link:

Camp Tall Timbers has a 4 -1 ratio of campers to staff.

Each summer much of our staff is made up of returning employees or former campers who are now in college.

The entire team at Camp Tall Timbers is a wonderful mix of teachers, coaches and college students. Each staff member is carefully selected for their teaching expertise in a given activity area, their personality, as well as their interest in working with children.

All staff members report to camp several days ahead of our campers so that they may go through our Counselor Institute. At Counselor Institute we thoroughly review daily responsibilities, situations that may arise, expectations for staff conduct and emergency procedures. Additionally, by the time our campers arrive, our staff has reviewed all the information about their individually assigned campers as provided by their parents. This is one more way we strive to ensure a safe, fun and personalized camp experience.

Apply at Our Camp Website Link:

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Camp Tall Timbers

There are 3 Top West Virginia Equestrian Camps Below

 Check Out These *Featured Camp(s):

Camp Pillsbury

Falcon Camp

Camp Sandy Cove
High View, WV

Visit Our Camp Sandy Cove Website
800-234-2683 (off season)

436 Reflection Lane
High View, WV 26808-9601

60 Sandy Cove Rd North East, MD 21901

Watch Our Camp Sandy Cove Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Overnight, Day and Weekend Programs.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Sandy Cove is a day and overnight camp for boys and girls ages 7-15 located in West Virginia, with over 60 years of providing Christian camping at its best! 186 beautiful acres which offer lots of fun and outdoor activities!

Equestrian Program, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Dance, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Theater, Gymnastics, Team Sports, Martial Arts, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball, and more. Horsemanship Camp, Circus Camp, Target Sports Camp, High Trapeze, Archery, Chess, First Aid, Mountain Boarding, Nature Skills, Skateboarding, Self-Defense, Volleyball

CAMP LOCATION: Camp Sandy Cove is a day and overnight Christian kids camp for boys and girls located near Winchester, Virginia, in High View, West Virginia, also within driving distance of Maryland, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Washington D.C.

CAMP FACILITIES: Camp Sandy Cove is situated on 186 acres in a beautiful natural setting. We have 22 semi-rustic camper cabins. Each cabin has electricity and bathrooms. Our camp has numerous activity areas: basketball courts, 5 tennis courts, 2 pools, soccer field, sand volleyball, baseball diamonds, a lake for canoeing, a zip line, a big swing, archery and air rifle range, a craft and pottery shop, a gym, a circus area, horseback riding rings and trails and a skate park.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Sandy Cove offers week-long camp programs for 7-15 year old boys and girls. The traditional camp program is based on themes for each week. Campers are able to choose 4 activities and earn awards in these activities. All campers attend chapel or cabin Bible studies each day. These experiences are lead by our all Christian staff. Camp Sandy Cove also has specialty programs for Circus, Horsemanship, Target Sports and Drama. The campers in these programs participate in 3 hours of their specialty each day. They also choose one elective. Adventurous campers might consider our out-of-camp trip program.

Each day the campers in this program participate in an exciting trip in our local area (rock climbing, white water rafting, caving, and more). Campers who are 15 or going into the 10th grade are eligible for our three-week leaders in training program. This program involves a week of backpacking, a week of canoeing, half of a week of rock climbing and half of a week on a ropes course. The goal is personal spiritual growth and leadership development. Camp Sandy Cove also offers a day camp serving 7-11 year old campers. Transportation is available daily from Winchester, VA, to camp.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Campers who are 15 or going into the 10th grade are eligible for our three-week leaders in training program.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Up to 50% off scholarships available

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Father & Son Weekends Mother & Daughter Weekend

OTHER CAMP INFO: Camp Sandy Cove is a non-denominational Christian camp. We have over 60 years of providing Christian camping at its best! The mission of Sandy Cove Ministries is to help people connect with God and each other in order to be transformed into the image of Christ through His Word, His creation and community.

Please see our full list of programs at: Our Camp Website Link:

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Camp Sandy Cove

There are 2 Top West Virginia Equestrian Camps Below

Camp Rim Rock
Yellow Spring, West Virginia

Visit Our Camp Rim Rock Website
347-RIM-ROCK (347-746-7625)
343 Camp Rim Rock Road
Yellow Spring, West Virginia 26865

343 Camp Rim Rock Road
Yellow Spring, WV  26865

Watch Our Camp Rim Rock Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.

Equestrian Program, Golf, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Wilderness/Nature, Waterfront/Aquatics, Dance, Music/Band, Fine Arts/Crafts, Theater, Musical Theater, Basketball, Volleyball, and more. Performing Arts, Lacrosse, Field Hockey, Volleyball, Archery, Kayaking, StandUp Paddleboarding & FUN Evening Programs

CAMP LOCATION: Camp Rim Rock is located on 500 acres, less than 90 miles west of Dulles Airport.

CAMP FACILITIES: Adjacent to our two heated pools, is our 2 acre private lake and beach. We have five tennis courts and acres of sports fields, a golf driving range and putting green, a covered basketball court and climbing walls and ropes course. There is a fully equipped arts and crafts pavilion and pottery studio and a beautiful amphitheater and dance pavilion.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: For over 60 years, Camp Rim Rock has provided a safe environment where girls from around the world spend a summer filled with fun and friendship and develop confidence and independence. We employ more than one counselor for every three campers. Camp Rim Rock has six units with several cabins in each unit.


OTHER CAMP INFO: During a 2 week session, the girls will participate in Horseback Riding (80 horses, 6 rings, English lessons, trail and river ridest), Performing Arts (dance, drama, chorus, stagecraft), Arts & Crafts, Sports (tennis, soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, basketball, softball archery, volleyball) and Aquatics (swimming in 2 heated pools, kayaking and paddle boarding in our private lake). We also have hikes, picnics, campfires and fun evening programs. Specialty camps are offered in Riding and 1 week Mini Camps for rising 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders.

Visit 2017 Sessions at: Our Camp Website Link:

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Camp Rim Rock

There is 1 Top West Virginia Equestrian Camp Below

West Virginia Boy Scouts Camps
Summer Camps in West Virginia
Mountaineer Area Council
1831 Speedway
Fairmont, WV 26554

Visit the website for more info.


WEST VIRGINIA EQUESTRIAN CAMP OWNERS & DIRECTORS: If you would like to submit your camp for listing in our 2025 Best West Virginia Summer Equestrian Camps Directory, please click on the "SUBMIT YOUR CAMP" link above.

WEST VIRGINIA EQUESTRIAN CAMP PARENTS & CAMPERS: If you are looking to find info on how to choose the best summer camp to attend this summer, please check out our 2025 GUIDE TO CHOOSING THE BEST SUMMER EQUESTRIAN CAMP for some great camp research tips and lots of important 2025 summer camp info.

In addition to our 2025 West Virginia Summer Equestrian Camps Directory we have also created quite a few SPECIAL INTEREST CAMP DIRECTORIES, and have included brief descriptions of these and links to their dedicated websites on the 2025 CAMP GUIDE page.

You can go directly to any of our other 2025 Special Interest Camp Directories from the list in the black bar at the bottom of this page.


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Updated: May 24, 2018

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